There are plenty of competitors on the Internet and it is important for your business to stand out from the crowd. This information provides five essential tips to make your business a distinct branded service to increase customer visibility and traffic while maintaining market share.
1. Get on the Internet the Right Way
The most important rule of the business world today is to “get on the Internet with a professionally designed and structured website”. Create WOW, and not UGH! Shoppers are using search engines like Google.com, Bing.com, and Yahoo.com to find a product, service, or brand. Additionally, video websites, YouTube and Google-video, and Facebook are gaining momentum with mobile devices (cell and pad). And don’t forget about blogging and tweeting!
2. Optimize Keywords for both Low and Hanging Fruit
All search engines utilizes special tags (called meta-tags) to categorize websites. If your website doesn't provide the expected tags and search keywords, the search engines will not be able to pick up and categorize your website correctly, resulting in few, if any, shoppers from the Internet. Many hosting companies provide tools to help you optimize your keywords. Some websites automatically makes your search keywords visible to the major search engines on the Internet, making it easier for your shoppers to find you. Remember to always include your products or services as well as your business location in the search keywords.
3. Describe your services well to enhance Customer Relationship
The more information you provide on your services – the more shoppers you will convert into parking customers. Compare your website to your competitors and then provide your customers with more information about your business and services. You can also include links to nearby business partners (i.e. travel agencies) to encourage others to link back to your site and improve the overall quality and experience of your site for your shoppers. And note, a picture is worth a thousand words, so don't forget clean images of your facility and services. With a digital camera it is easy to take pictures of your business and the surrounding area.
4. Provide Real-time Information in a Transactional Environment
A large number of websites are unfriendly, complicated and provide no means of allowing shoppers to make a reservation directly from the website. Instead, the shopper is provided with a contact form, email address and phone number to reach out to the business. Through the evolution of reserving a service online for travel, many shoppers favor a website that provides real-time reservation capabilities directly on the website. When your shoppers can reserve directly from your site, the sale is closed immediately thus creating a paying customer, and providing your business with valuable customer data. A real-time reservation system is open 24 hours every day, and therefore, you have no more lost sales due to shoppers trying to make a reservation outside of regular office hours or on third-party websites.
5. Utilize Affordable and Measurable Email Systems
Your business must be in the marketplace on a regular, continuing, and ongoing basis. Not necessarily the same amount every week, but on a regular monthly basis. To successfully market your service, you must first position your company in relation to the competition. Know how you want your company and/or service to be perceived by customers before they leave for the airport. In other words, get a commitment from shoppers before they leave their home or place of business. Printing just a coupon does not mean a shopper will drive right into your parking establishment!